Dear Parents and Students,

In response to EDB announcement, our school will suspend all classes from 3 February to 19 April. Classes will be resumed on 20 April. During the suspension period, the school opening hours are 8 am to 4 pm (Monday – Friday) , 8 am to 12 noon (Saturday).
We will provide learning materials through Google classroom, email and school webpage.



回應教育局的宣布,本校於二月三日至四月十九日停課,四月二十日復課。停課期間,校舍開放時間為上午八時至下午四時(星期一至五)及上午八時至中午十二時(星期六)。我們會透過Google 教室、電郵及學校網頁為學生提供學習材料。
