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Arrangements for Class Suspension 停課安排

2020-04-18T20:35:55+08:00March 3rd, 2020|

Dear Parents and Students, In response to EDB announcement, our school will suspend all classes from 3 February to 19 April. Classes will be resumed on 20 April. During the suspension period, the school opening hours are 8 am to 4 pm (Monday - Friday) , 8 am to 12 noon (Saturday). We will provide [...]

Self-learning schedule for the suspension period (3 Feb – 20 April 2020)

2020-03-02T08:22:10+08:00February 5th, 2020|

Please refer to the Self-learning schedules for your learning activities during the suspension period. Please note that you have to log into your school email account to see the content of the folder. If you have problem logging into your school email account, please call the school for assistance. Please note that the schedule will [...]

Arrangements for Class Suspension 停課安排 (3/2-18/2/2020)

2020-03-03T12:38:03+08:00January 26th, 2020|

Dear Parents and Students, In response to EDB announcement, our school will suspend all classes from 3 -18 Feb. Classes will be resumed on 19 Feb. During the suspension period, the school opening hours are 8 am to 4 pm (Monday - Friday) , 8 am to 12 noon (Saturday). We will provide learning materials [...]

Dialogue with Mr. Kevin Yeung Yun-Hung, JP, Secretary for Education on 20/6/2019.

2019-07-26T16:15:55+08:00July 26th, 2019|

16 Selected schools under the InnoPower Scheme had the opportunity to exchange views on educational issues. IKTMC, a pioneer of EM education, is one of such schools. Mr. Kevin Yeung recognized and expressed his wholehearted gratefulness to the scheme's organizers and partaking schools and their respective teachers for their hard [...]

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