What is HMSC?
Health Management and Social Care is an elective in DSE that includes five main topics in the compulsory part and three modules in the elective part. The topics are as follows:
Compulsory Part
- Personal Development, Social Care and Health Across the Lifespan
- Health and Social Care in the Local and the Global Contexts
- Responding to Needs in the Areas of Health (Care, Promotion and Maintenance) and Social Care
- Promotion and Maintenance of Health and Social Care in the Community
- Health Promotion and Maintenance and Social Care in Action
Elective Part
- Extended Study on Health Promotion and Health Maintenance Services
- Extended Study on Community and Social Care Services
- Current Issues of Health and Social Care
In the learning process, students have the opportunity to develop a holistic view of health and social care through personal empowerment, involvement in groups, community learning and action, and the application of strategies of social advocacy. In this way, students should be able to acquire the foundation knowledge stipulated in the compulsory part before attempting the elective part.
Curriculum Design
The design of the HMSC curriculum rests on the notion of the interconnectedness of the
various levels at which phenomena related to health and sickness, well-being and ill-being,
and personal and community care are to be understood. The curriculum aims to enable
students to explore all of these levels as well as the relationships between them. The different
levels can be interpreted as the individual, the family, the peer group, the community, the
institutional setting, society, the nation and the world.